Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Foongs & Phaus

I shall jump a little into the future, when I started becoming 4 eyed.

My cousins and I were inseparable when we met during holidays. We live 400km away from each other. We met (and still meet) several times a year, where we'd do silly fun things and just have a blast.

I remember when we formed the Knights of the Square Table, since there were 4 of us, and again we had a log book (probably the beginnings of my future position as secretary of clubs, etc). Once, we had a BBQ beside the Phaus' condo pool and we jumped into the pool in the middle of the night with our very own glowsticks, which we called our light sabres. And we were all terrified of the water, cos' of Anaconda or the Loch Ness.

So here I am at 5, Aggie, 4, Athalie, 2 (and already as TALL as AGGIE! Oh my my) and JP, 6.

(From L-R) Aggie, Athalie reading her dance script
(and our famous identical PJs), my very 1st pair of glasses, and Jared when he could still boogie!

Aggie had funky hair. I wonder why those glasses were so in back then.

With Mama, Adelia & Sa-ee.

At the Serendah apartment. I had a million of those glasses.

One of our detective moments.

Adelia was just born. From the moment she could walk, we called her the Destroyer. She'd ruin our games and cry a lot. As the youngest child, she was super spoilt! But she was extremely pretty. There's a million photos of her as the most adorable kid on the planet. But that's another post.

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