Saturday, May 10, 2008

I skipped the dental class dinner. Which makes me feel bad. But it's all the way in Sunway, and I don't want to brave the jam. Plus, only like 10 of the 47 people said they were going (which made me feel guiltier actually) but nahhh. Instead I followed Dad as he went to pick Mom up from KL Central.

Tomorrow will be gym first, then church, and I'm going to make new spectacles! I'm so excited!

And on Sunday, I can fling Stef around again during hiphop. My muscles seriously hurt after Sunday classes. But I don't suppose it's enough to work my flabby thighs.

And Hayley's finally graduated from the blocked off area! Now we just block off muddy parts of the garden and she's free to roam. Macy totally tolerates her now. Macy just ducks and avoids as Hayley nips and licks at her face, jumps and leans on to her back, grabs folds of her neck flesh. The only no-no is grabbing toys which Macy believes are her personal property. Shadow's okay too, as long as Hayley's got something in her mouth and can't bother him.

I have been so careless lately. First I lost my darling Nokia Xpress. (Which pains me still to see Houren using. Okay, not that much.) I switched to Tobias, but I left his charger in Singapore! Grrr. So I had to make do with an old Nokia. But there's only 1 Nokia charger in the house, and Dad took it to Australia! So progressively, I just didn't care about having a phone. Come to think of it, I don't even need a phone anymore. Independence! So yeah, I've got my charger back already, but can't be bothered to upgrade back to Toby.

My hair is being so perfect today! Why can't everyday be a good hair day?

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