Monday, June 16, 2008

Couples popping up like mushrooms. Surprising ones at that, haha.
I just can't bring myself to. Picky or what, I don't know. I just know that the thought makes my stomach churn and I feel like throwing up.
And it's uncomfortable when people try too hard. Then again, I wish some other people would try harder, so who knows.
I'm too easily deceived by appearances. Like how I get jealous of how picture perfect it looks. Maybe it is. Either way, what difference will it make to me? So stop envying.

I'm so tired lately. My period pains were so sudden and so bad, they woke me up from my nap. I was hyperventilating so much I thought I would vomit. Kind Dad quickly got me Panadol and now it's okay.


Anonymous said...

well don't worry! seek and you will find. pray that God will open your eyes to the right person! and build on your current friendships! who knows that guy you are friends with suddenly becomes more appealing one day haha :) but perhaps snatching the first one that comes along is rather unwise too. let go and let God... !

aFLY said...

lol. i'd NEVER snatch the first one (i think) haha. thanks for the advice