Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I have no more titles up my sleeves but since I've uploaded these images, I shall put the last batch of childhood pictures into a final post.

I'm starting to have an inkling of what people who lose their homes or get robbed must feel. Imagine having all your precious memories and photographs destroyed by flood, fire or just heartless people. That's why Adelia and I are pretty anxious to convert our one and only video casette of family videotapings (mostly done by me, during my 'camerawoman wannabe' age) into a VCD or something. But we don't know where to do it.

I was once a chipmunk.

No wonder people still ask if we're twins. Happened, like, yesterday.

Hanging with the boys. Who's the one on the right, JP?

At Genting Highlands, way back when it was still cold.

In our frontyard.


And that's the end.

There's really no need to complicate lives with questioning and trying to gauge where you stand in your relationships. Sometimes, you just establish a level of closeness and that's that. Don't hesitate to act on impulses, don't worry about being too forward, just ACT like the close friend you've decided you are. It's when you doubt yourself that others begin to doubt you too.

I hope all plans are a go! How terribly exciting if so. =D


Anonymous said...

i wonder what happened to all my kid pictures. :((((( anyway they aren't cute pictures of mine cuz i was FAT.

that last bit was some good advice there. perhaps i wud steal some of your philosophy :)

aFLY said...

glad u find the last bit relevant to you too then.

awww, kids are cute when they're chubby la. ask your mom where she hid them! only child wat, u! haha

Jared said...

it's a long time since i've heard anyone say something like that.
