Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dear Diary, It's Me Again

hope floats on Flickr by life through the lens (simple effulgence)

I still beat myself up over what ifs: What if I had been more secure, less inconsistent and uptight about certain things? Too late for regrets now.

The cerebral portion of me knows I'm just dwelling insensibly on the idea of you. But so much of the mind is a reaction to sensory stimuli. It can get really tough to separate dream from reality, memory from true feelings. Not when I'm trapped in the same scene of the play for eternity. The same environment with the same people where it all began, where nothing has changed except for the one thing. And everybody has accepted the new changes while I'm the only one who feels like something is terribly wrong with what I see all the time.

To be honest, outside of school is perfectly fine. It's just that the two most important components to forgetting a person is missing this time: 1) Never having to see the person again 2) Finding some one new and better. Both due to the same unfortunate reason of being in this course and this class.

I can't wait for 2012 when I can claim my life (and mind) back! :D

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