Monday, April 19, 2010

Gal Pals

remind youself to spend some good time with me
on Flickr by Glasha Mandarinkina

A convo got me to thinking about something. Having girlfriends, like a solid true blue girl clique, is like having a boyfriend. The same way you commit to a relationship with a guy is the same way you need to commit to a clique. My clique has been together since childhood so it's stayed intact through all the boyfriends that have come and gone. But start school with getting a boyfriend instead of investing in a good girl clique, and the chance is usually gone by the time you realize you need gal pals.

Guys are generally friendlier, more interested and less demanding in friendships. You can not talk to a guy for many months and he'll still say hi like it was only yesterday you spoke with each other. Whereas with a girl clique, sure, they're nice to you, but you know that you're never going to be part of their inner circle. It's almost impossible to penetrate such a social armour.

Please bear in mind that these are my own sweeping statements, and not at all the general world social scene.

I've been trying to pinpoint the difference in feel between my house in KL and here in Singapore. A few years ago, I found out - my family here in Singapore only watches Chinese serials! On a Monday night back home home, I'd be nursing my Monday blues with the Monday Blues Sitcoms on Starworld. And laughing out loud to myself. GROAN.

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