Monday, April 5, 2010

I know I've said this a thousand times, but it gets tiring to keep finding new ways to say the same thing. Yet, to stop saying the same thing would be like denying yourself the need to purge certain feelings. Many people would advise to just forget and not think about it, but to a certain extent, picking through the skeletons again and again reduces the intensity of the pain somewhat, and going through it with people in the same boat is like attending a support group. You are not alone, this is normal, and you will all get through it together.

Which is why I'm thankful to come across other people who can articulate the way I feel much better than I can myself. For a person who needs to express herself by writing and speaking to get their thoughts into order, it can be a relief to stumble upon a ready-made elucidation like this. It's nothing someone who's not in the same situation would find exceptional. But for the heartbroken, it's nice to know you're in good company.

I know I'd heal pretty nicely if I were to never see certain people again. But God and my actions have put me in this position of difficulty, and I must see it through with His strength and grace. I'm afraid but I've just got to remind myself to suck it up and be a grown up.

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